These photos are from around Lake Tali Karng in Victoria's Alpine National Park. There are also a few of the lake itself (although I have never managed to do a photo of the lake that does it justice and shows how very beautiful it is). I have done this gallery this way because there are actually quite a few ways to get to Lake Tali Karng and they are all pretty. There are also a lot of interesting things around the lake worth visiting all by themselves. Wellington Plateau, Gables End, The Sentinals, Spion Kopje Range, The Chromite Mine and the Wellington River to name just a few.
In fact it's pity that so few people experiment with getting to Tali Karng by non standard routes so they can see more. Most people do it the very easy way of parking at McFarlane Saddle and walking down via Gillios Track. Or walking up the Wellington River and The Valley of Destruction (which has the advantage of no up hills except at the very end).
I usually get there via The Mount Margaret Track. Which, I have to admit, is hard work, longer and gets fainter and more overgrown every year. But it has the advantage of visiting the lovely Chromite Mine valley on the way to Lake Tali Karng which has magnificent views of The Sentinals.
It is possible to walk the ridge line between The Chromite Mine and The Valley of Destruction all the way to Wellington Plateau (but it's hard work). Another really hard way to get there is the old Mount Hump Track to Wellington Plateau. Although still marked on maps it is a track in name only. And it is an adventure only for the hardy and experienced.
I may write a track guide for that trip as it is a hard one but very rewarding.
But if you are new to bush walking I would really recommend one of the easy ways Lake Tali Karng as a good, safe way to visit something really worth while.